Sunday, November 4, 2012

Skunk Removal and Control

Skunk Removal and Control

Contact Ants To Bears Experts for all your #Skunk Removal and control needs Call Ants to Bears Experts we really are the "ANTS TO BEARS" Experts 719-495-5996

Here is some Skunk Facts...
Skunks (in the United Stat

es, occasionally called polecats) are mammals best known for their ability to secrete a liquid with a strong, foul odor. General appearance varies from species to species, from black-and-white to brown or cream colored. Skunks, together with their closest living relatives, the stink badgers, belong to the "skunk family", the "Mephitidae" and to the order Carnivora. There are twelve species of mephitids, which are divided into four genera: Mephitis (the hooded and striped skunks, two species); Spilogale (spotted skunks, four species); Mydaus (stink badgers, two species); and Conepatus (hog-nosed skunks, four species). The two stink badgers in the genus Mydaus inhabit Indonesia and the Philippines; while all other members of the family inhabit the Americas, ranging from Canada to central South America. All other known mephitids are extinct and known only through fossils, many in Eurasia.

Skunks had been classified as a subfamily within the Mustelidae, or "weasel family", which includes ferrets, weasels, otters, badgers, stoats, and wolverines. However, recent genetic evidence suggests that skunks are not as closely related to the mustelids as previously thought and they are now classified in their own family. Until recently, the stink badgers had been classified with the other badgers on the basis of physical examination, but genetic testing has proven correct those who believed stink badgers share a more recent common ancestor with skunks than they do with the weasel family; stink badgers have therefore been transferred from Mustelidae to the skunk family. I found this info on @Skunks

Friday, November 2, 2012

Raccoon Removal and Control

Raccoon Removal and Control
Raccoons are usually classified as a pest species due to their habits of living in human dwellings. The most common complaints include the following:

Raccoons living in the attic
Raccoons living in the chimney
Tipping over garbage cans
Stealing pet food or bird seed
Sick, potentially rabid raccoon
Presence is alarming dogs/pets

Contact Ants To Bears Experts for all your #Raccoon Removal and control needs Call Ants to Bears Experts we really are the "ANTS TO BEARS" Experts 719-495-5996

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ants To Bears Experts Animal Trapping and Animal Control Removal

Ants To Bears Experts Animal Trapping and Animal Control Removal
Ants to Bears is you local wildlife experts and are commonly called upon to control Badger, Bats, Birds, Beaver, Bull Snakes, Cats, Coyotes, Chimney Swifts, Chipmunks, Deer, Flying Squirrels, Fox Squirrels, Fox, Geese, Groundhogs, Mice, Moles, Muskrat, Pigeons, Prairie Dogs, Rabbits, Raccoons, Rattlesnakes, Rats, Rock Squirrels, Skun

ks, Snakes, Squirrels, Sparrows, Starlings, Turtles and Woodpeckers.

Proudly serving the greater metropolitan area of El Paso and Teller County Colorado and surrounding communities.

We also service the city, cities and towns of Alta Vista, Black Forest, Broadmoor, Buttes, Calhan, Cascade, Chipita Park, Cimarron Hills, Colorado Springs, Duffield, Eastonville, Ellicot, Elsmere, Falcon, Fort Carson, Fountain, Glen Eyrie, Glen Park, Gleneagle, Henkel, Ivywild, Kelker, Knob Hill, Fa Foret, Manitou Springs, Midway, Minnehaha, Monument, Palmer Lake, Papeton, Peyton, Pikeview, Pine Crest, Ramah, Rock Creek Park, Roswell, Rush, Security, Shirley, Skinners, Stratmoor, Stratmoor Hills, Stratton Meadowns, Widefield, Wigwam, Woodmoor and Yoder within El Paso County, Colorado, CO.

We also service the city, cities and towns of Beacon Hill, Cripple Creek, Crystola, Divide, Elkton, Fairview, Florissant, Goldfield, Green Mountain Falls, Hollywood, Marigold, Midland, Midway, Rosemont, Stratton, Victor and Woodland Park within Teller County, Colorado, CO. #Animalcontrol Call Ants to Bears Experts we really are the "ANTS TO BEARS" Experts 719-495-5996

Monday, October 29, 2012

When a home or business is constructed

When a home or business is constructed, it is not uncommon to require many gaps due to penetrations such as electrical lines and plumbing pipes. However, preventive maintenance and sealing around these gaps can preclude pests from gaining access to the building. Animalcontrol Call Ants to Bears Experts we really are the "ANTS TO BEARS" Experts 719-495-5996

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ants To Bears Experts

Ants To Bears Experts we use Humane and Organic procedures you are assured the safe environment around your home. All of our products ARE 100% safe for the kids and the pets...SO, CALL US FIRST!!! Anytime, Day or Night! We're available 24 Hours a Day! Call Ants to Bears Experts we really are the "ANTS TO BEARS" Experts 719-495-5996

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rabbits at herbivorous

Rabbits at herbivorous and may consume vegetation from gardens, landscaping, and other areas around the home. They will even remove the bark from the base of ornamental trees and shrubs, girdling and killing the plants by cutting off their
water and nutrient supplies. This is most likely the type of damage that you will see from rabbits. Rabbit Control & Removal call Ants To Bears Experts 719-495-5996 There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kitten or kit.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ants To Bears Experts Animal Trapping and Animal Control Removal

Ants to Bears is you local wildlife experts and are commonly called upon to control Badger, Bats, Birds, Beaver, Bull Snakes, Cats, Coyotes, Chimney Swifts, Chipmunks, Deer, Flying Squirrels, Fox Squirrels, Fox, Geese, Groundhogs, Mice, Moles, Muskrat, Pigeons, Prairie Dogs, Rabbits, Raccoons, Rattlesnakes, Rats, Rock Squirrels, Skunks, Snakes, Squirrels, Sparrows, Starlings, Turtles and Woodpeckers.

Proudly serving the greater metropolitan area of El Paso and Teller County Colorado and surrounding communities.

We also service the city, cities and towns of Alta Vista, Black Forest, Broadmoor, Buttes, Calhan, Cascade, Chipita Park, Cimarron Hills, Colorado Springs, Duffield, Eastonville, Ellicot, Elsmere, Falcon, Fort Carson, Fountain, Glen Eyrie, Glen Park, Gleneagle, Henkel, Ivywild, Kelker, Knob Hill, Fa Foret, Manitou Springs, Midway, Minnehaha, Monument, Palmer Lake, Papeton, Peyton, Pikeview, Pine Crest, Ramah, Rock Creek Park, Roswell, Rush, Security, Shirley, Skinners, Stratmoor, Stratmoor Hills, Stratton Meadowns, Widefield, Wigwam, Woodmoor and Yoder within El Paso County, Colorado, CO.

We also service the city, cities and towns of Beacon Hill, Cripple Creek, Crystola, Divide, Elkton, Fairview, Florissant, Goldfield, Green Mountain Falls, Hollywood, Marigold, Midland, Midway, Rosemont, Stratton, Victor and Woodland Park within Teller County, Colorado, CO.

Ants to Bears Experts services the following area zip codes and will fully resolve your wildlife problem!
80106, 80132, 80133, 80808, 80809, 80813, 80814, 80816, 80817, 80819, 80829, 80831, 80832, 80833, 80840, 80841, 80860, 80863, 80864, 80866, 80901, 80902, 80903, 80904, 80905, 80906, 80907, 80908, 80909, 80910, 80911, 80912, 80913, 80914, 80915, 80916, 80917, 80918, 80919, 80920, 80921, 80922, 80923, 80924, 80925, 80926, 80927, 80928, 80929, 80930, 80931, 80932, 80933, 80934,80935, 80936, 80937, 80938, 80939, 80940, 80941, 80942, 80943, 80944, 80945, 80946, 80947, 80949, 80950, 80951, 80960, 80962, 80970, 80977, 80995, 80997

We are a Nuisance Wildlife Management company is a leader in providing wildlife, animal and pest control services for residential, industrial and commercial clients in Colorado Springs and surrounding communities. We can handle any wildlife control problem from mice to deer and provide incredible service while using the latest technology and equipment. To control wildlife requires a qualified and experienced expert to assure you of expert care of your wildlife problem.

Your wildlife expert has been specially trained in the control of wildlife specific to Colorado Springs and will take care of the problem in the most gentle and humane way possible.  Call Ants to Bears Today

While protecting your home or business from wildlife and insect pests is part of our service, we also have skilled craftsman that can perform a variety of repairs inside and out! Give us your list and we will take care of the rest. Call Ants To Bears Experts Animal Trapping and Animal Control Removal and control needs 719 495-5996
Lawn and Landscape
After Storm Cleanup
Debris Removal
Firewood Removal
Tree Limb Removal
Trim Bushes and Shrubs
Weed Removal
Yard Cleanouts