Contact Ants To Bears Experts for all your #Skunk Removal and control needs Call Ants to Bears Experts we really are the "ANTS TO BEARS" Experts 719-495-5996
Here is some Skunk Facts...
Skunks (in the United Stat
occasionally called polecats) are mammals best known for their ability
to secrete a liquid with a strong, foul odor. General appearance varies
from species to species, from black-and-white to brown or cream colored.
Skunks, together with their closest living relatives, the stink
badgers, belong to the "skunk family", the "Mephitidae" and to the order
Carnivora. There are twelve species of mephitids, which are divided
into four genera: Mephitis (the hooded and striped skunks, two species);
Spilogale (spotted skunks, four species); Mydaus (stink badgers, two
species); and Conepatus (hog-nosed skunks, four species). The two stink
badgers in the genus Mydaus inhabit Indonesia and the Philippines; while
all other members of the family inhabit the Americas, ranging from
Canada to central South America. All other known mephitids are extinct
and known only through fossils, many in Eurasia.
Skunks had been classified as a subfamily within the Mustelidae, or "weasel family", which includes ferrets, weasels, otters, badgers, stoats, and wolverines. However, recent genetic evidence suggests that skunks are not as closely related to the mustelids as previously thought and they are now classified in their own family. Until recently, the stink badgers had been classified with the other badgers on the basis of physical examination, but genetic testing has proven correct those who believed stink badgers share a more recent common ancestor with skunks than they do with the weasel family; stink badgers have therefore been transferred from Mustelidae to the skunk family. I found this info on @Skunks
Skunks had been classified as a subfamily within the Mustelidae, or "weasel family", which includes ferrets, weasels, otters, badgers, stoats, and wolverines. However, recent genetic evidence suggests that skunks are not as closely related to the mustelids as previously thought and they are now classified in their own family. Until recently, the stink badgers had been classified with the other badgers on the basis of physical examination, but genetic testing has proven correct those who believed stink badgers share a more recent common ancestor with skunks than they do with the weasel family; stink badgers have therefore been transferred from Mustelidae to the skunk family. I found this info on @Skunks